Here is a list of all the courses that I've taken!

Here is how my semesters at IITK are unfolding. For anyone from the CSE department who sees this in the future, I hope this helps you plan your own semesters during your stay at IITK!

Semester 1

  • Real Analysis

  • Introduction to Programming with C

  • Electromagnetics

  • Chemistry Lab

  • Introduction to Indian Philosophy

  • Physical Education

Semester 2

  • Mechanics and Relativity

  • Engineering Drawing

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Linear Algebra and ODE

  • Physical Education

  • Physics Lab

  • Introduction to Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Semester 3

  • Discrete Math for CS

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Introdution to Electronics

  • Game Theory and Mechanism Design

  • Manufacturing Processes II

  • Manufacturing Processes I

  • Introduction to Earth Science

  • Communication Skills

Semester 4

  • Introduction to Bayesian Analysis

  • Probability theory for CS

  • Logic for CS

  • Computer Organization

  • Software Engineering and Design

  • Introduction to Indian Sociology

Semester 5

  • Operating Systems

  • Machine Learning

  • Theory of computing

  • Algorithms II

  • Statistical simulations and data analysis

Semester 6

  • Compilers

  • Parallel Computing

  • Undergraduate project

  • HSS - II

  • Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Semester 7

  • Philosophical Logic

  • Macroeconomics

  • Probabilistic Machine Learning

  • Programming for performance